2010 m. gruodžio 1 d., trečiadienis

End of The Term Self-Assesment

ESP vocublary test. I am trying to learn the words, but many of this world I used rarely, so is hard for me to remember the definitions. Therefore I think that I can do it better.

Writing summaries.It is difficult for me to write summaries. My vocublary is narrow and I have a loophole. Generally I do a lot of mistakes. But I think  I am writing sumaries little better when I assumed a practice.

Online exercises - multiple choice & fillingin blanks. I think fared not bad. In some cases, I did some mistakes.

Moodle test. Same like a online exercises.

Online listening in class. I do it well when I know a majority words. But, in some cases, succeed badly.

Traditional listening to cassettes. I think fared not bad, but badly than a online exercises.

Power point presentation. Prepared for presentation succeed well. However, it was difficult to present, because I am not to be in a fit state of speak in english freely.

Speaking impromtu. It is very hard for me. Because like I said my vocublary is small, I am not to be in a fit state of speak in english freely, also my articulation is not very good.

Shorts talks (ready - made speech). It is simplicity than speaking improntu. But I have problems with articulation.

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