2011 m. balandžio 29 d., penktadienis


In 1997, Scottish scientists succeeded in creating ewe Doll, an identical genetic copy of her mother. Since then, scientists around the world have developed various animals - cows, mice, cats, dog, horse, pigs and even ferrets - genetic copies. This process, called cloning, increased government and ordinary people's interest, and hence the concern about the use of human cells for medical research and the prospects for human cloning.
When we talk about human cloning, scientists and politicians are usually appointed by the two types of cloning - reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Although the two processes in the early stages of using the same methodology, follow up are very different.
Reproductive cloning, the process used in creating ewe Doll, the embryo is implanted in a woman's uterus. If transplant is successful, the embryo is born and grows like any other baby. Process results a genetic copy of the donor.

In process of therapeutic cloning embryo is not transplant in woman’s uterus, because for research is important to find out how stem cells develop and regenerate. Stem cells are very universal. Cells in the body - bone, blood, nerve, muscle and skin cells  are derived from this single cell type. In growth time cells take a particular specialization and become skin, blood, hair or other cells. Though stem cells have the remarkable ability to separate, they cannot create themselves embryo or newly born animal. Therapeutic  cloning basic aims  to understand the genetic defects, and find ways to update the number of people cells or webs, who suffering from degenerative diseases or crippling injuries.
There are no country today which  supports reproductive cloning. After the creation of ewe Dolls individual countries and the international community has begun to cooperate in order to prohibit human cloning for reproductive purposes. 1998 United Nations General Assembly's declaration stated that "the practice contrary to human dignity such as reproductive cloning of human beings, must be prohibited”.

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