2011 m. balandžio 29 d., penktadienis

Giving Entire Cultures a Personality Test

Most people think that they can discern differences in personality, to recognize that man is an introvert or extrovert. Also, people tend to adapt to certain personality traits in different groups. Even tend to adapt to different cultural stereotypes that reflect the personality differences.

Scientists are interested in whether these stereotypes are based. There are a large group of scientists from around the world who manage a personality test results. This test has been adapted to different cultures. Scientists tested people from 50 different cultures.

These tests were intended as a tool to understand the national character. It was found that the cultures are able to meet the national character. However, the national character of the profiles did not match the cultural profiles of individual people.

In conclusion, the researchers concluded that regardless of the national character is that he did not aggregate culture of human personality traits. In other words, the national character is how people see themselves through culture, rather than what they really are.


Stress is the number of events held in our serious and threatening and called stressors, perception and reaction to them. To find out how a man running stress tests are conducted. Stress testing is a form of testing That is used to determine the stability of a given system or entity. It involved  Operational testing beyond normal capacity, often to a breaking point, in order to observe the results. There are many such tests, for example, Software Testing, Destructive Testing, Scenario Analysis and else. I have done the Behavioral Health Concepts stress test.

In my opinion questions were right wording. Some questions raised doubts, especially those related to health. It was unclear whether the question is that this time something hurts, or permanently, whether there is ever hurt. Ideally I'd like that results which are get driven by the overall statistics. Also, that people who are often have a lot of stress identifies various contacts who could help and write some tips which could help deal with stress too.

My results have been satisfactory. My overall emotional well-being score is 4.15. This score indicates that I am more well-adjusted. My score indicates that I am Similar to people who probably do not need any kind of psychological services. Quality of Life Score is 4.3. This shows that I am happy and satisfied with their lives. My symptom distress Score of 4. This mean that I'm not prone to depression. And my last Level of Functioning Score is 4.13. This score indicates that I am able to work in the community.

To sum up, I think Behavioral Health Concepts stress test is a reliable and valid.
Because my results satisfy reality. And design is scientific.

Personality Tests

I've made two personality tests: "Jung Typology Test "and "The Big Five Personality Test". I tried to answer the questions honestly, but some of the questions in Jung Typology test has caused me hesitation because it was suitable for both versions, so I think that such questions should be developed to test this in humans there would be no doubt. Or maybe can be stated differently. Also, in my opinion was a bit too many questions, so people can begin to answer faith questions in them, the desire to complete the test as soon as possible.

Both tests showed that I am the extravert. I think this is true, because I have extrovert quality. For example that I am outgoing, social and energetic. It also describes me as an optimistic person who loves to socialize, have fun, do not avoid to take part in parties. The negative features are also met, for instance extravagance and failure to pay to save money. However, the most surprised me that was claimed that the  suitable motto for me is: 'Always Look On The Bright Side. "I like say similarly. My phrase is: Can always be worse.

For The Other Hand, both tests describe me as lion of  party , always relaxed, surrounded by many people. But I also sometimes like to be alone in a quiet lie down or take a walk in nature. I think that people who making a test are categorically exclude a limited number of properties and don’t need to talk only about them. Because the human is unstable. Sometimes him need fun times and sometimes quiet times. But my basic quality described accurately.

In conclusion, I would say that the both tests are quite reliable. There are  a few mistakes, but my personality has been described quite well and fairly.


In 1997, Scottish scientists succeeded in creating ewe Doll, an identical genetic copy of her mother. Since then, scientists around the world have developed various animals - cows, mice, cats, dog, horse, pigs and even ferrets - genetic copies. This process, called cloning, increased government and ordinary people's interest, and hence the concern about the use of human cells for medical research and the prospects for human cloning.
When we talk about human cloning, scientists and politicians are usually appointed by the two types of cloning - reproductive cloning and therapeutic cloning. Although the two processes in the early stages of using the same methodology, follow up are very different.
Reproductive cloning, the process used in creating ewe Doll, the embryo is implanted in a woman's uterus. If transplant is successful, the embryo is born and grows like any other baby. Process results a genetic copy of the donor.

In process of therapeutic cloning embryo is not transplant in woman’s uterus, because for research is important to find out how stem cells develop and regenerate. Stem cells are very universal. Cells in the body - bone, blood, nerve, muscle and skin cells  are derived from this single cell type. In growth time cells take a particular specialization and become skin, blood, hair or other cells. Though stem cells have the remarkable ability to separate, they cannot create themselves embryo or newly born animal. Therapeutic  cloning basic aims  to understand the genetic defects, and find ways to update the number of people cells or webs, who suffering from degenerative diseases or crippling injuries.
There are no country today which  supports reproductive cloning. After the creation of ewe Dolls individual countries and the international community has begun to cooperate in order to prohibit human cloning for reproductive purposes. 1998 United Nations General Assembly's declaration stated that "the practice contrary to human dignity such as reproductive cloning of human beings, must be prohibited”.

Psychology of Language Anxiety

Language anxiety, sometimes referred to as communication apprehension, involves feeling nervous before, after or during a time when one is speaking in public or even just a situation where one must communicate. Most people may feel some anxiety before standing in front of crowd to speak, but language anxiety involves more than simply nerves.

Common symptoms of language anxiety are: dry mouth, excessive sweating, shaking, rapid heartbeat, feeling dizzy, nausea and a flushed face. People may also notice that voice fluctuates more than normally does and have a lot of nervous energy. These symptoms are normally due to the flight-or-fight response that occurs in threatening situations.

There are cognitive, behavioral and affective aspects to the psychology of language anxiety. Cognitively, public speaking is not a routine activity, so people will engage in purposeful thoughts about what public speaking will be like. Those with speech anxiety will often think terrible thoughts about public speaking before any communication occurs. There is an affective aspect of speech anxiety also, as fear often surrounds public speaking. Some people with language anxiety will automatically be frightened of the situation and become emotionally and physically crippled by this fear. Finally, there is a behavioral aspect in which people are unprepared for the act of public speaking or they shake, tremble or stutter during speeches.

Based on the cognitive, affective and behavioral psychological understanding of speech anxiety, one can begin to manage the anxiety disorder. First, cognitively, work on thoughts associated with public speaking. People need write down their fears and recognize anxiety. Also ask yourself question like: Will people really laugh at me? Probably not. If you drop your cards, will the speech be ruined? No. People can simply pick up the cards and continue on. Maybe then people can say a joke. Also need think positively. Say to yourself: "This speech will go well. The audience will love me". To control affective or emotional aspect, it is necessary to replace the emotions of fear with another emotion, perhaps confidence. Think back to moments in which person was successful and remember those thoughts before he step on stage. Behaviorally, some relaxation exercises before giving a language may come in handy. Learn how to control breathing, to relax muscles and to calm stomach. Meditation can often be a helpful tool.

To sum up, language anxiety may never completely go away, but managing it will make more successful in work and in life.